
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

A beneficial invention

June 7, 2020

For half a year, I had been struggling with pain in both elbows, slightly worse on the right than on the left. I had already gone through the usual odyssey from orthopaedist to osteopath and homeopath without success, and I was also wearing a completely useless cuff prescribed by my doctor when I came across your website on the Internet.

I first ordereda cuff for my right arm, and about a week later I also orderedone for my left arm.I felt significant relief in both arms right from the start. I wore the cuffs day and night, did the recommended exercises and curd compresses. After about two months, there was still no significant improvement.

I left the cuffs off at night and then got more severe symptoms again. Now I came up with the idea of wearing the cuffs at night without exception, and lo and behold: finally (after a total of about three months) there was a clear improvement. I had obviously tensed up at night. However, the pain is now 90% gone!

I now only wear the Masalo cuffs when doing household chores and still at night, although I sometimes take them off during the night. My case shows: You can't lose patience, especially when you're older (67), and occasionally you have to try things out a little.

Wearing them at night has meant that I can leave the cuffs off during the day as far as possible. Incidentally, my orthopaedist said at my last visit that yes, the cuffs are very good.

Unfortunately, the health insurance companies would not cover them. Which is not entirely true. I can only say that the cuffs are more than worth the money! When the very unpleasant pain disappears, the quality of life increases.

I would just like to say THANK YOU to the inventor and I would also like to mention that Mr. Eric Siebert provided me with help and advice in several emails. He responded to my questions and concerns in detail, precisely and with great empathy.

Helga Kuhn-Weber

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Kuhn-Weber, thank you very much for your great report. Yes, patience pays off, but, as you did, you also have to get in touch if things don't improve quickly. Patience is not really one of our strongest qualities. We epicondylitis patients always have something to do and it's just annoying if things don't get better quickly. You've done everything right. It's particularly important to protect the tendons at night. You turn over in your sleep and pull up the comforter. All of this puts strain on the tendon insertions, which disturbs your sleep and interrupts the healing process. This is not so bad for everyone, but it is for many people. I recommend that you continue to wear the cuffs for the remaining 10%. Once it has completely healed, the chance of it recurring is much lower. Nevertheless, even after complete recovery you should always wear the cuff prophylactically if there is a risk of major strain (gardening, manual work, sport, etc.). Then the problem won't occur again. I myself am now 62 years old and tendon problems, which are already protracted, always last a little longer. Enjoy your newfound quality of life and move your arm as often and as much as possible. You can still manage that little bit now. If you still have any questions, you know that we are always happy to help. I wish you all the best and stay healthy. Kind regards Harry Röder

It works!!!

May 12, 2020

At first I was probably not able to put the support on correctly and was also unsure about the right size. But when I asked, I was advised immediately and was soon able to put it on correctly. All I can say is that there was a noticeable improvement as soon as I started wearing it and a few weeks later the discomfort was history. The price for this support is therefore more than justified! I can recommend it without hesitation. Many thanks for this invention!

Krämer Verena

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Krämer, thank you very much for your feedback. We really appreciate every single report and every victory over epicondylitis. It's good that you got in touch. It is always the case 99.9% of the time that you finally achieve the desired success through small optimizations during application and we are really happy to be there for you. (Of course we will continue to be :-)) I am very pleased that you have now overcome the epicondylitis. Stay healthy. Best regards Harry Röder PS: We are always happy to receive a Like on our Facebook page 🙂

Pain-free at last

May 7, 2020

I had severe pain in my right elbow in 2017/2018. Normal therapy with physio and cortisone. Nothing helped. Then I came across your cuff, which was made of leather at the time, and bought it. I wore it for three months and have had no more complaints since then. During the acute period I could no longer use the stapler or punch normally, I could only hit it.

Kathrin Kämmerer

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Kämmerer, thank you very much for your feedback. It is very nice to see that we are not forgotten  We wish you all the best for the future and stay healthy. Kind regards Harry Röder

I am so happy

May 3, 2020

I had been suffering from pain in my right elbow for a good 2 years, where the ulnar nerve was pinched. No physiotherapy helped me, so the only option was surgery.

At first I kept my head above water with painkillers Diclofenac 75 mg. Since mid-2019, I've also had problems with my left elbow. Pain when stretching and liftingand severe pain at night. This lasted until the end of the year, and the tablets worked here too. Then I went to the orthopaedist. He said I had tennis elbow and gave me an injection. Unfortunately, the injection didn't help at all and the first bandage didn't help either.

Nothing worked with either arm.

At the beginning of 2020, I decided to have surgery on the ulnar nerve in my right arm. The nerve was exposed and relocated. As a result of the operation, my right arm was splinted with a plaster cast for 10 days, effectively immobilizing it. So now came the absolute drama, I had to do everything with my left arm. After a few days, nothing worked anymore.

I could no longer stretch my arm in any way, could no longer lift a cup, just pain and despair. My GP prescribed a kind of mud bandage, which was rewrapped every 3 days. The days went by and nothing got better.

In the meantime, I did some research on the Internet and discovered the Masalo cuff. The application somehow sounded logical to me and the testimonials convinced me to order this cuff immediately. It arrived the day after next. I have been wearing it for 8 weeks now.

The first 6 weeks uninterrupted day and night. From the first day, I immediately felt relief/relief in my elbow. After a few days, I was able to do minor activities again without pain. And the pain at night also subsided.

Now, after 8 weeks, I am completely pain-free and only wear the cuff occasionally during the day.

It's like a miracle and I'm so happy to have discovered this cuff. It is definitely worth the price.

Thank you very much for this invention.

Gabi Dieckmann

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Dieckmann, thank you very much for your review. We really appreciate this feedback, as it takes a lot of effort and you can't write a review for every product you buy 🙂 We are all the more pleased to receive feedback and appreciate the effort involved. A big thank you to us 🙂 I am delighted that it works for you too, as it does for almost all of our customers, and that you have found us. I wish you all the best for the future and stay healthy. Best regards Harry Röder

My salvation! Thank you very, very much!

April 30, 2020

I have had a very painful tennis elbow on my right hand for months. The simplest hand movements (e.g. holding a cup) were associated with severe pain. I do intensive weight training and have only been able to do one bicep exercise for ages that is halfway tolerable (in terms of pain).

For many weeks I have consistently followed several daily healing strategies: Wearing an elbow compression bandage, stretching exercises,trigger point treatment, eccentric strengthening exercises, rubber band extensions, cooling, heat. All without any significant success.

As I continued my search, I came across the Masalo cuff and ordered it straight away. It took some getting used to the first time I put it on, but I soon got the hang of it and it felt good from the start.

I've only been wearing the cuff (continuously) for five days. Unbelievable! Many everyday movements are already pain-free and during today's strength training I simply dared to do one of the bicep exercises that I haven't been able to do for ages. Without any problems!

I am thrilled and overjoyed! I immediately recommended the cuff to a fellow sufferer and I can only hope that as many people as possible will hear about your cuff and give it a chance! This is also the reason why I am writing this testimonial here.

Thank you very much and all the best!


Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Angie, thank you very much for your report. We are pleased that you were able to resume your training, as is the case for many strength athletes. Just continue to wear the cuff consistently and I recommend that you wear it for training as a precautionary measure even when everything is completely healed. Good recovery and maximum sporting success. Kind regards Harry Röder PS: You are also welcome to like our Facebook page, we are always happy about that 🙂 https://www.facebook.com/Masaloshop

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