
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

Addition to "noticeable relief, very good workmanship, (however...)" from February 17, 2020

July 23, 2020

I have been wearing the cuff for about 5 months now and can now say with certainty that this cuff is absolutely effective. I am 99% pain-free and only wear the cuff as a precautionary measure if I expect to be under a lot of strain or will be working with a computer mouse for a long time again (this was also the reason for my complaints).

So here again an unreserved recommendation to buy and a big thank you to Mr. Röder for his innovation and advice!!!

Martin Downar

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Downar, thank you very much for your feedback and stay healthy 🙂 Best regards Harry Röder

Already positively surprised!

July 19, 2020

After a sports injury in volleyball (arm was fired backwards with force while blocking) I had to struggle with pain for a few weeks - but after a period of rest everything was fine again. Until a few weeks ago, playing in the sand caused creeping pain in my inner elbow, which didn't get better despite all kinds of home remedies and rest periods.

On the contrary - the elbow hurt all the more with every blow and every strain.

Unfortunately, I knew the nature of this pain from my mom - she has unfortunately suffered from chronic golfer's elbow for 15 years and can therefore no longer play her favorite sport, table tennis. So it wasn't far to the doctor.

After reading a few testimonials here, I am all the happier that my doctor immediately suggested this cuff to me and confirmed how well it helps.

As I now have to come to terms with the fact that I will probably have to take a longer break from volleyball, I naturally hoped that the cuff would help. My doctor's MFA has also known about this product for a long time and raved about it. I immediately went to the medical supply store and ordered the cuff. Well, and the employee there also made it clear that it really helps!

I have now been wearing the cuff continuously for a few days and can already feel a clear change! It's just nice not to have any pain during everyday movements.

I only found the cuff annoying the first night - after that I got used to it really quickly. It also supports me at work - even though I still use the mouse with my left hand.

I'm very curious to see how my elbow will feel when I return to sport in a month's time - I really hope that the pain doesn't come back immediately with the same intensity. I'm also going to start wearing the cuff during training sessions so that I don't put too much strain on the tendon insertions. It will be a change, but who knows, maybe I'll play better with it 😛

I am very glad that my doctor knows this product and thinks it is good - otherwise I would probably have to go through all the other, often unfortunately futile, therapies.

I've already recommended the cuff to my mom and let's see, maybe she'll be able to enjoy a table tennis match again.

I would wish it for her and everyone else who is so restricted by this disease. I will definitely always have the cuff with me and will certainly recommend it to others.

Best regards!

Laura Freund

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Freund, thank you very much for your testimonial. We are of course very pleased that more and more doctors are recommending our Masalo MED cuff and have been able to see for themselves that it really helps 🙂 The same applies to specialist retailers. It might be a good idea if you could send us two photos of your arm with the cuff on. The effect should actually be much stronger and volleyball should also be possible again in the short term. When playing table tennis, you need to pay even more attention to ensuring that there is sufficient tension and counter-tension on the support, as a lot is done with the wrist and this puts a lot of strain on the tendons. This is why a tighter adjustment and precise positioning is really important when playing tennis. You can also loosen the cuff again afterwards. Just send us 2 pictures (cell phone photos will suffice) and we will take another look to see if there is anything that can be optimized 🙂 In any case, I wish you a speedy recovery. Best regards Harry Röder

Fit can be improved

July 19, 2020

I have been suffering from epicondylitis in my right elbow since October 2019. After all kinds of treatments (injections, medication, ultrasound, stretching exercises, etc.), all of which only brought short-term relief, I decided to test the support. I have been wearing it for three months now. But only during the day. At night it is somehow too much for me. There has been an improvement. Without the support, I could hardly do my gardening, let alone carry anything heavy.

Nevertheless, I would have hoped for a little more. Unfortunately, I also have some difficulties with the fit. My upper arm is clearly too narrow. The upper part folds down very quickly. Unfortunately, the Velcro strip is also useless. It scratches terribly. It's also too thin. I have now glued the padding from my previous support into it. Nevertheless, the upper part only holds if I pull it very tight. Overall, the support could be a bit more flexible and flatter. Now in summer you sweat a lot underneath it. Vielleicht hilft meine Bewertung Ihnen, das Produkt noch zu verbessern, denn trotz allem möchte ich es nicht missen. Obwohl sie gut waschbar ist und auch recht fix trocknet, würde ich mir auch noch eine dunklere Farbe wünschen.

Angela Treutler

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mrs. Treutler, thank you very much for your valuable experience report. Unfortunately, you have not yet sent us any photos of your arm with the cuff in place - but we are quite sure that we could optimize the application together and that you would then be even more satisfied with your cuff 🙂 Often it is small measures such as moving the forearm cuff towards the hand or slightly tightening the upper arm strap, which means amazing results and better sensation, wearing comfort and greater relief. Nevertheless, we are delighted if the cuff helps you - we will be happy to assist you and accompany you on the road to recovery. Thank you for sharing your experience with us and we wish you a speedy recovery!

A Nobel Prize for this invention would be appropriate!!!!

July 16, 2020

A year ago, I decided that 45 was a great age to start playing tennis. So I went to the court with my husband and was extremely impressed by my skills - I hit every other ball over the net without any technique. I thought I was so talented that I wanted to prove my talent every other day - who needs training and technique? I was therefore very surprised when, after a few weeks, I started to have the worst pain in my arm, which got worse every time I played. The coach at the club was less surprised - he had been watching me a lot over the years.... I thought he was doing it because I looked so incredibly smart in my little skirt... instead, he kept wondering when my arm would give out due to the strain.

From then on, the classic tennis elbow horror began - sometimes it got a little better without strain, until I was doing moderately ambitious housework or playing "Für Elise" on the piano at a family party with no talent - painful for ears and arm. I gave up my promising tennis career and from then on did everything with my left hand... occasionally entertaining for others at dinner, by the way!

After it got worse and worse, I started with the typical treatment methods. A good friend is an orthopaedic surgeon and so at least I didn't have to pay for shockwave therapy, autohaemotherapy and tapes - which didn't change the fact that the procedure was so painful that the only reason I didn't punch my friend during the treatment was because it's rude. Of course, I also stumbled across the Masalo cuff in my desperate search for salvation online - but since our orthopaedic friend didn't know it, I filed the story under "all fake reviews" and money rip-offs. You know how it is: if you enter "hair loss" into Google, 1,962 pages are displayed that offer you a monthly subscription for a measly 377.55 euros and Chantalle and Gisela from Euskirchen praise the product to the skies in their reviews!

So I discarded the cuff and the pain got worse - just like my mood! When I lay awake at night again because I didn't know which way to bend my arm, I searched this site again and the next day, in a last surge of hope, I went to the medical supply store in Cologne. However, purchasing the cuff turned out to be a bit complicated. The medical assistant put the cuff on me and squeezed my arm as if she was trying to shape a sausage, only to tell me helplessly that unfortunately it didn't fit me and she couldn't sell it to me. When I asked why and that I had a perfectly normal arm, she said that my arm was somehow too short - but her colleague, who had been called in, thought it was definitely too long... at some point they agreed that the proportions of my arm were simply not right. That was probably easier than saying: We just can't put it on because we have no idea!!!!! I bought the cuff anyway and watched the instruction video at home - and now I'm finally getting to the assessment:

From the very first second I found that this orthosis was simply good for me!!! The lady in the store warned me not to wear it at night, but as my confidence in her expertise after the experience was unfortunately no greater than in the Tonnies slaughterhouse, I simply wore it for 24 hours as recommended here. That was a few weeks ago now and I woke up completely pain free for the first time after three days. I was so happy that I couldn't get back to sleep and I woke my husband up with excitement! New movements were added every day that I could never do pain-free a few months ago! However, I may need a new family, who are starting to get really annoyed when I demonstrate for the hundredth time how to get a bowl out of the cupboard with my right hand, cheering and with a happy contorted face...

Dear fellow sufferers: buy this cuff - it works according to a completely different principle than these clamps that are useless!!!!!! I have to admit, I don't have the slightest idea which one, but the inventor Mr. Röder obviously knows that and that's the only important thing!!! I am COMPLETELY pain-free and only wear the cuff when I am under strain.

For anyone who still has doubts that these are real reviews, I would be happy to send you my MRI findings from January and videos of the last few weeks in which I play tennis for hours on end - although that would be embarrassing, because I still play badly, which is not due to my recovered tennis elbow, but simply to my lack of skill!!!!

Thank you Mr. Röder, thank you to the super nice team!!!! You have restored my quality of life and saved some people's professional existence... if this were my invention, I would probably be 2.24 meters tall with pride and play basketball instead of tennis!!!!

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jutta Zillekens

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Zillekens, special thanks for this wonderful report 🙂 It's really fun to read 🙂 You have an unusually great and refreshing writing style. You really have a way with words, if you can do the same with tennis, there's nothing standing in the way of Wimbledon and the Davis Cup 🙂 Glad you've kept (or rediscovered) your sense of humor. The story with the medical supply store, however, is very unpleasant. Fortunately, you helped yourself, but you shouldn't expect that. If you go to a specialist retailer, then you can also expect expert advice, but that was not the case with you. Thank you once again for this information, it is important for us. Of course, the cuff should be worn 24 hours a day if possible so that the tendons are permanently protected. Even at night. My guess is that the "specialists" at the medical supply store didn't look at the instructions and persistently tried to somehow get the conventional compression to work. Of course, this should not and must not be the case with our cuff. However, it is one of our biggest challenges to get the experts to realize that there really is a new principle of action here (but it is also somewhat understandable, after all, there has only been the compression principle for years, always the same, no matter how expensive a support is or what it looks like...). We have already contacted the medical supply store and hope that our information will now be read and implemented. We expect our specialist retail partners to take a professional approach to our product, how it works and how to apply it. If this is not the case, nobody is forced to sell our product. Our primary concern is always that people get well again and benefit from the cuff. That is why we are always happy to provide support to anyone who has bought a cuff, regardless of where it was purchased. Many thanks to you once again. We hope you continue to enjoy your tennis and if there is anything, you know that we are here for you 🙂 Best regards Harry Röder

Interesting experience

July 8, 2020

I had golfer's elbow on the right 10 years ago. Cortisone only helped for a short time, shock wave therapy and a long break without sport worked after about 1.5 years.

Now, about 1.5 years ago, I pulled my golfer's elbow on my left arm through bouldering and light strength training.

Lots of stretching exercises and regular breaks brought relief. But every time I boulderedor climbed harder, the feeling of pain was strained.

Then I let go of the Masalo M. Before it was delivered, I had been climbing for two days, naturally with slight pain. Then I climbed with the cuff, the same route and without pain. Really incredible.

Unfortunately, I then had to carry 40 kg to the third floor and that's when the pain started again. I have now been wearing the cuff for about 2 months and boulder regularly. Conclusion. It really does reduce the problem. If I wasn't so active in sports, my golfer's elbow would have disappeared long ago.

But I was convinced by the information about the possible uses in sport and the simultaneous reduction in pain. And you need to be patient anyway.

I would also like to praise the friendly and competent advice I received over the phone.

Gerd Zimmermann

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Zimmermann, thank you very much for your review. It is really nice to read that you are fully aware of the overall problem. Unfortunately, we epicondylitis sufferers are never quite sure that the problem will not recur. You simply tend to get it because you move through life quite actively. But now everything should be possible again. If possible, always wear the sleeve as a preventative measure during heavy exertion and the rest of the time you should remain completely pain-free without a support. I wish you all the best and lots of fun with your bouldering 🙂 Best wishes Harry Röder

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