
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

Fantastic solution!!!

September 30, 2020

I had tennis elbow and golfer's elbow as well as constant inflammation. The bandage provided by the health insurance company didn't actually do anything other than strangulate my arm, which was very uncomfortable.

I then had my elbow taped and did it myself for months. One day I saw an advertisement for this sleeve on the internet and bought it. It wasn't cheap, but after such a long time of pain I didn't care.

I work a lot on my PC, have my own stable and horses, which puts a lot of strain on my elbow. I received the cuff quickly and it was easy to adjust and WORKED IMMEDIATELY.

I was finally able to do almost everything again without pain. After a few weeks, my elbow was pain-free again in everyday life without the cuff.

Now I've been pain-free for about a year, despite working the same hours. The health insurance company only offers crap, it takes a normal person, not a doctor, to come up with something so logical. It's just embarrassing for our medicine!

Many thanks to the inventor, he has made my life pain-free again!

Andrea Reimers

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Ms. Reimers, thank you very much for your report and your feedback. Yes, a year ago I don't think the aid number had been finally issued. Today it is different and all insurance companies pay at least a large part of the costs, others cover the costs completely. You obviously had one of the usual compression products before, there is only this mode of action apart from the Masalo countertraction principle - no matter how expensive these other supports are or what they look like, they all work with pressure on the muscles just below the elbow. You have done everything right and I am very pleased that you are feeling well again. But I really recommend that you never put the cuff out of reach. Ideally, you should continue to wear it prophylactically when you go to the stables to see the horses. This is an extreme strain and a lot of work. Many people get tennis elbow when shoveling snow, for example, and mucking out the stables also puts a lot of strain on the tendons. If you forget to do this and notice that it starts again, put on the sleeve straight away and it will be gone again within a few days. However, it would be better to put the cuff on as a precaution during such activities, then it won't come back in the first place. Unfortunately, we epicondylitis candidates all tend to get it again if we overload the arm. It also happens to me when I forget to put on a cuff prophylactically when doing manual work or gardening. Then in the evening I notice that it comes back. I then simply put on my Masalo cuff and it takes me a maximum of 24-48 hours until it's gone again 🙂 In any case, I hope you have lots of fun with your horses and stay healthy. Best regards Harry Röder

Thank you for my regained quality of life!

September 24, 2020

My story of suffering began 2 years ago when I accidentally twisted my right arm while loading my son's BMX bike. There was a sharp pain, but I thought that the discomfort would go away by itself. But it didn't.

So I went for orthopaedic treatment. I wasdiagnosed with tennis elbow and all the stops were pulled out: cortisone injections, zinc-glue bandages, acupuncture plasters, physiotherapy, autologous blood treatment, shock waves. However, none of this helped.

After the orthopaedist advised me to have an operation, I started looking for suitable treatment options myself. I came across Masalo and thought it might be worth a try. Especially as I was already pretty demoralized at this point due to the constant discomfort and the lack of prospects of success.

Initially, I wore the cuff day and night and it quickly improved. After wearing it for 3 months, I am now largely symptom-free and only wear the cuff occasionally.

I can finally move around again as usual and have my old life back.

Now that the long period of suffering is over, I can look to the future with hope and am glad that I didn't have to have the operation. This reminds me a lot of the story of how Masalo came about, which was written by Harry Röder.

A thousand thanks to you and the entire team for this outstanding invention and I hope that it will help many more fellow sufferers.

Heiko Knorr

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Knorr, thank you very much for your feedback. It's always nice when customers don't forget us as soon as they feel better 🙂 Yes, the stories of all people affected by epicondylitis are similar. It's almost always the case that you initially think "it'll go away" until you go to the doctor. Unfortunately, doctors can't do much in most cases and they only have a few treatment options, all of which are directed against symptoms and inflammation. It can be fatal that a cortisone injection, for example, can help extremely well at the beginning because it immediately removes the inflammation and you think the problem has been solved, at least that's how it was for me. Then you go full throttle again and as soon as the cortisone has worn off, it's worse than before because the injury was there all along and has become worse in the meantime due to further overuse. Incidentally, many of our customers look for alternative options at precisely this point, shortly before the operation and many only after an unsuccessful operation. Fortunately, we are easy to find on Google if you search for tennis elbow, golfer's elbow, etc. Customers then take the information to their doctor and have the sleeve prescribed. In this way, doctors and specialist retailers learn first-hand about the cuff and experience for themselves how successfully it helps. The majority of doctors then diligently continue to prescribe the cuff, because fortunately there are a lot of good doctors who are very interested in making patients feel better again 🙂 Most specialist retailers are also really good, but unfortunately there are also exceptions who think that only the compression principle works anyway. Then we sometimes get complaints and have to realize that the specialist retailer didn't even look at the instructions and tried to somehow lace up the support on the elbow to create compression - which of course then prevents any positive effect. If customers get in touch with us, we can always help quickly and also train the specialist retailers accordingly. Our aim is really to ensure that every cuff has the desired effect and this works quite well 🙂 I recommend that you never put the cuff out of reach and that you put the cuff on as a precaution when you are gardening, renovating, shovelling snow, playing sport or doing other activities where heavy strain can occur. If you forget to do this and feel it coming on again, put it on straight away and it should be gone again within a few days. Enjoy your regained quality of life and stay healthy 🙂 If anything should happen, we are always here for you. Best regards Harry Röder

The cuff is perfect

September 20, 2020

How do you do?

I bought the cuff 2 years ago when I could no longer even hold a glass of water with my left arm. It was still the leather version at the time. To be on the safe side, I also bought one for my right arm.

I didn't really believe it at first, but after just 1 week I felta clear improvement. After 4 months I was completely pain-free and could put full weight on my arm again.

At the beginning it was a bit uncomfortable because the leather was very strong, but that settled very quickly. As it was made of leather, you could see the water and sweat stains but that didn't bother me.

In the meantime, I have to cure my right arm, and it looks like I'm having the same success. I wanted to buy the new version now, as the old cuffs already look used, but I'm a bit skeptical that they will give more when pulled than the leather ones, as leather is much more stable than elastic fabric.

In my experience, fixed buckles are also better than Velcro fasteners.

I had the problem with these, especially when doing sports, that they came loose over time, or if you hang on with your clothes, they come undone.

Wallimann Peter

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Wallimann, thank you very much for your great experience report. I can only recommend that you give our textile cuff a try, it really is superior to the old leather version in all respects, the textiles do not give way and the Velcro fasteners do not actually open even during sporting activities etc. - I can reassure you 🙂 If you liked our leather bandage, you should actually love our MED textile cuff 🙂 In any case, we wish you a speedy recovery and if we can be of any help to you, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time. Best regards Eric Siebert

Improvement within one minute

August 31, 2020

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to use this email to express my thanks to you. Thank you for inventing the Masalo cuff

and for marketing!

I would just like to briefly describe how this cuff has helped me:

In October last year, I started having pain in my right elbow. Despite visits to the doctor, injections, physiotherapy, epicondylitis braces, etc., it got worse and worse and pain in the shoulder and neck area was also added.

I became aware of the Masaloman cuff on the Internet and in March of this year I ordered it on my own.

I remember exactly when I put the cuff on for the first time with severe pain. Within a minute, the pain was relieved and, as you write, I felt immediate relief.

Since then, I have worn the cuff day and night and felt it heal from week to week. A few weeks ago I had the feeling that I could do without the cuff from time to time, but after a while I realized how good it felt to put it on again. For a few days now, however, I have only sometimes worn the Masaloman cuff to work at the computer in the office.

Thanks to this cuff I no longer have any pain. I am sure that I would have suffered from this pain for a long time, the doctor was helpless. Thanks to your cuff, my arm was able to heal.

I have already recommended them to colleagues at work and will continue to do so. Even if I have to see my orthopaedist again (hopefully not so soon), I will tell him what I think: he should only prescribe this sleeve to patients with epicondylitis!

Thanks again for this great invention!!!

Yours sincerely

G. Cellar

G. Cellar

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Keller, thank you very much for your feedback. It is precisely these letters and feedback that motivate us to continue every day 🙂 We at Masalo have all had similar stories with epicondylitis and know how good it feels to be able to perform normal movements again without constant pain 🙂 I am really pleased that the Masalo cuff is helping you so well and I am sure that you will soon have completely overcome your epicondylitis. However, like all sufferers, you must always be aware that it can recur due to extreme strain. Therefore, never put the cuff out of reach and if you get it again, simply put on the bandage straight away and the problem will soon be gone again. I wish you all the best, continued good recovery and stay healthy. If you have any questions or problems, please contact us at any time, we are always happy to help. Best regards Harry Röder

Great or ingenious invention

August 25, 2020

I received the Masalo cuff on Saturday and used it on Sunday while playing tennis.

I am really thrilled !!!

The pain was almost completely gone and before it really hurt with every stroke, I will now also use it for strength training and I am really looking forward to being able to train without pain again.

Thank you very muchfor this great invention and I can only say buy this cuff or have it prescribed + additional payment it is worth it !!!!!

Stefan Herzig

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Herzig, thank you very much for your great feedback and the nice experience report 🙂 We are of course very pleased to hear that the cuff is helping you so well so quickly. Stay on the ball and everything will be fine 🙂 Feel free to contact us at any time if you have any questions about the application or other requests, we are always happy to help. Have a pain-free evening, a good recovery and maximum sporting success! Best regards Eric Siebert

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