
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%


January 24, 2021

I came across this cuff through a TV report. I had been suffering for 4 weeks (tennis elbow). However, I can only wear the cuff at work, which helps me a lot.



Very quick help

January 15, 2021

I have had problems with my right elbow for about 4 weeks. I was diagnosed with tennis elbow on Monday. The orthopaedist gave me a zinc paste bandage. As expected, this did nothing. After extensive research, I ordered the Masalo cuff on the same day. Before that, I couldn't even pull my pants up without pain. The cuff helped immediately. Now, after two days of wearing it, I can see a huge improvement. Simply brilliant. Thank you very much for this great invention. I can do everything with the cuff and it doesn't restrict me. A dream.

Christian L., Bochum

1 year of suffering for free

January 13, 2021

I put the cuff on and immediately had a pain-free forearm. I don't normally write reviews but it has to be there because it helps 100%.

Wagner, Austria


December 30, 2020

I am absolutely thrilled. After putting on the cuff, the effect was immediate and positive. Definitely to be recommended

Dirk Hälsig

On the right track 🙂

November 30, 2020

After experiencing pain in my right elbow after fitness training in March, I was diagnosed with golfer's elbow by my doctor. I was prescribed a bandage for the day and Traumeel compresses for the night. At first I thought I felt an improvement, but the pain persisted, especially in the morning, and was not noticeable during the day with the bandage. However, I carelessly made the mistake of continuing to train with the support until the pain subsided.

A friend recommended that I use a Bauerfeind support, which I also found more comfortable. I stopped doing all the exercises that worked my arms during training. Four weeks ago, I went to the doctor again, who said that I should try physiotherapy, which is very difficult to schedule in the current coronavirus situation. So I did some more research on the internet and came across the Masalo support, which I had measured and ordered from a specialist dealer.

I have been wearing it for about 4 weeks now and have had almost no restrictions for as long as I have been wearing it. Without the bandage, progress is very, very slow and the pain continues to occur. I now wear the bandage for about 22 hours a day and night and do a Retterspitz compress once a day.

Since all movements are almost pain-free again, especially when wearing the support, which was not possible with other supports, I am delighted and convinced that with consistent wearing of the support, the complaints will disappear in the next few weeks, even without the support.

For me, the successes (I only started using the Masalo support after almost 8 months) and the wearing comfort make it an absolute recommendation 🙂

Holger Stephan

Holger Stephan

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Stephan, thank you very much for your report. We are always pleased when people don't forget us and give us feedback  What you write is a very typical progression. With golfer's elbow, it can take a little longer to heal, but training etc. should work as described with a sleeve. You are welcome to tighten it a little during training and perform all exercises as evenly as possible, ideally with a little less weight but more repetitions. Consistent wearing will ultimately bring success, but as I said, it may take some time before you are pain-free without the Masalo cuff. It is best to always have the cuff with you and if you train without it and feel even the slightest pain coming back, put it on again immediately for a few days. In the end, the golfer's elbow should be gone. Nevertheless, almost all athletes continue to wear the cuff afterwards, simply as a prophylactic measure to prevent it from coming back. I wish you continued good recovery, lots of fun with your sport and stay healthy. Best regards Harry Röder

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