
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

For people who have doubts - immediate effect? Immediate use of the arm(s)?

April 9, 2021

It's absolutely true, the relief starts immediately! The arm - or my arms, as the case may be - are immediately ready for use again thanks to the effect of the cuff!!!! Pain-free!

Since 2007 (I'm now 32) I've been suffering from tennis elbow on my right side on and off. I've tried everything... cortisone,all kinds of ointments, countless painkillers, physiotherapy, plaster casts, a variety of braces or similar bandages and I've even had an operation because of it - the result was that it kept coming back and the main principle of all these treatments is always permanent relief.

Well, I came to terms with it, gave up my sport and actually switched everything possible (brushing my teeth, applying make-up, mouse activities, tidying up, cleaning...) to my left side. I hardly ever used my right arm in my everyday life anymore. Except when typing... ergonomically equipped, of course.

My job consists exclusively of typing and my livelihood is therefore absolutely dependent on my arms. Then came the shock: not only had I been suffering from acute tennis elbow on my right side for the last eight weeks, but a short time later, at the same time, I also felt it on my left for the first time.

Desperate, I visited several different orthopaedists in the meantime and of course I went back to my usual "relief". I called in sick and temporarily moved in with my mother (I still live alone)... I could hardly get dressed and I was incredibly scared every time I brushed my teeth - it hurt like hell and my arms were very weak. After the two cortisone injections and the consumption of a lot of painkillers and ointments, things only got better to a limited extent. The doctors' solution seemed somewhat simplified. Just keep taking sick leave and rest both arms. I was totally desperate. I couldn't type any more, my mother did some research on the internet and came across these cuffs.

The principle of action sounded totally logical, almost too simple to be true. But the testimonials also sounded very promising. So I tried to get a prescription for it, but to no avail. Because of all the treatments in the last few weeks, I didn't really have any money left...I ordered them anyway, for both arms too.

I received the product just two days after ordering, everything went smoothly. The instructions for setting it up are also very easy to understand and it worked straight away. What I also found very positive was that you really get a lot of useful and interesting information in a brochure.

And yet, because I was very unsure about putting it on, I contacted the service directly to reassure myself: and here's the next miracle! It's a service that more than deserves its name! I have never received such competent, empathetic, helpful and also very fast, friendly and absolutely individualized feedback! All my doubts about how to put on the cuff were resolved in a few minutes (and it really is only a few minutes!), lots of tips were given on top and now I wear it consistently on both arms.

As I said, I have not managed to get a doctor to prescribe it for me either. Therefore, based on my personal experience, I can only expressly advise you to purchase this product at your own expense. You buy hope, which quickly turns into real confidence thanks to the logical principle and the empathetic and competent service! With this product and the sale, the focus is not on selling the product, but clearly on helping! And it is a help!

Let me be specific: a short time after putting it on correctly, I was able to brush my teeth without pain (yes, my condition was so acute that this was no longer possible), get dressed and even lift normal glasses again (I had already switched to cardboard dishes because they are lighter in weight). Then, of course, I became a little more courageous and was reassured with every new activity that it was possible without pain. I've even been shopping with it, which was unthinkable just a week ago.

I can finally play with my cat again and I've also turned down the sick note. It's really incredible, I can sit at my PC and do my work. Of course it's a change and I've also read in other testimonials that people find it unpleasant. I can't confirm that. The product provides security and, above all, the freedom to literally "do" normal life again.

This means you can immediately use your arm or arms again fully and also have the certainty that the damaged area is well protected and can heal. It is therefore above all a product, and the only product that I have come across in my almost 15-year career with tennis elbow, that helps you to deal with the injury! You can just get going again, the tendons can heal, you are supported from the heart and you have a good feeling about it!

I know from experience that healing in such cases simply takes time. It's not really predictable. I was so panicked about how long I would be off work... But, however long it takes, it doesn't matter now, it doesn't matter how long my body takes, thanks to this glorious invention, my life can go on healing. And immediately!

I will now simply wear the two cuffs consistently day and night as recommended. I can absolutely confirm the immediate effect and will report on further success here over time. Simply because I have also had every report read to me and also felt a brief moment of overcoming to buy, but am now sitting here and typing this experience report while the cuffs make it possible and protect my tendons.

It really does work immediately and life can finally go on without pain and without the fear of causing more damage through movement. THANK YOU to the great team!!!!!!

Julia P.

Julia P.

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Julia P. Thank you very much for your great report. It's nice to see that you can enjoy writing again 🙂 I don't want to dash your hopes, but I must inform you that tennis elbow can always come back after 14 years of illness. We have some customers who have suffered for up to 21 years and can do everything again without pain with the sleeve. However, as soon as the arm is put under heavy strain for a short period of time, some people's tennis elbow returns. If this is also the case for you, you should simply wear the cuffs prophylactically when you are likely to put a lot of strain on your arm. With a little luck and patience, however, it will still heal. You have done everything right and used our support. Please continue to do so if anything should happen, we will be happy to help you at any time. I wish you much joy in your regained quality of life, continued good recovery and lots of fun with sport. Exercise is the key to successful recovery 🙂 Best wishes Harry Röder

A true marvel

March 31, 2021

This cuff is a real marvel, you can feel the effect and relief immediately after putting it on.

No comparison to normal braces that are prescribed. I received them free of charge from the employers' liability insurance association following an injury at work.

Thank you for this wonderful invention.

Andreas Heilmann

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Heilmann, thank you very much for your feedback. I am very pleased that you are able to work again without pain 🙂 and that your employer's liability insurance association has been so supportive. We wish you all the best for the future and stay healthy. Best regards Harry Röder

After about 4 weeks my enthusiasm begins to ?

March 24, 2021

I have been wearing the cuff for about 4 weeks now. At the beginning, the first 14 days, I had the feeling that I couldn't manage at all, everything was uncomfortable and bothered me. I have very thin, narrow arms and it kept slipping. I work in the field and have to carry a lot and I visit medical supply stores and naturally asked each of my customers if they were familiar with this product.

Then one of my customers had this cuff in his program and showed me that I actually had to put it on much tighter. It was a bit uncomfortable at first, but the effect was much better relatively quickly.

Now I always wear them quite tightly, even 24 hours a day, and hardly notice them anymore.

After 4 weeks I noticed a brilliant improvement.... I sleep through the night again, I can slowly do sports again without pain and I actually painted for 2 days in a row and then waited "in vain" ? for the pain.

I've had tennis elbow since September 2020 and, like everyone here, I've tried pretty much everything. And I was terrified that I would no longer be able to enjoy my favorite hobby, riding my SuP.

Now I am looking forward to the coming spring and am infinitely grateful for this product.

Best regards

Heike Janik

Heike Janik

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Janik, thank you very much for your feedback. I am really pleased that you received competent support from one of our partner medical supply stores. Fortunately, more and more specialist retailers are beginning to understand how the cuff works and how it should be applied. After decades of compression function with epicondylitis products, it is not so easy to really change your thinking completely. Unfortunately, it happens again and again, both in specialist shops and unfortunately also with some (very few) customers, that the cuff is applied incorrectly. Too close to the elbow, not in the middle of the forearm and often too loose. However, as the cuff has to pull the entire tissue of the forearm towards the tendon insertions on the elbow in order to achieve lasting relief there, we need "tension" on the construction. Without correct application, it simply won't work. I always find it particularly unfortunate when we receive emails saying "I did everything exactly as instructed and it doesn't help" and then no photos are sent so that we can help. Many people just think "it's a bandage, put it on and it's good" but that's wrong. We have put a lot of effort into the detailed instructions so that people can get well again and we are always happy to help and advise. When we see photos, the problem is always solved very quickly. It's always exactly the same small but crucial mistakes. The support is incredibly effective, but only if it can work 😉 You have to feel the effect. It's better to adjust it too tightly, feel the effect and then loosen it as required than to adjust it too loosely and not achieve any effect. Now that you have felt the effect, nothing can go wrong because you know what the cuff can do. Feel free to play around with the settings from time to time, you can also loosen them a little at night and tighten them more during sport and everyday activities. Please do not take it off completely too soon. Tendons take a long time to heal as there are few blood vessels and blood is very important for healing. Please also take a look at our page "Tips for dealing with epicondylitis". Carry out self-massage and please refrain from stretching exercises. Then you will soon be pain-free again without a cuff 🙂 I wish you a speedy recovery and if anything should happen, we are always here for you. Best regards Harry Röder

... Almost unbelievable

March 15, 2021

I was very skeptical after I discovered masalo. My diagnosis from the orthopaedist - classic tennis elbow. Suggested treatment: shock wave or possibly relocating the tendon insertion. I didn't want to accept these diagnoses and looked for alternatives on the internet.

I came across the masalo cuff. My mind told me that the cuff couldn't work, it all sounded too simple, but my stomach still wanted to try it out. So I ordered it, at my own expense of course.

The cuff also arrived the next working day. As I'm self-employed and "almost" only work on the computer, I can't afford to paralyze my right arm.

I put on the mansalo cuff as soon as I received it. And really, wearing it immediately brought noticeable relief from the pain and now, after 14 days, I am pain-free.

I am convinced!!! Many thanks for this ingenious invention.

Kerstin Faust

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Faust, thank you very much for your great feedback. Many of our customers feel the same way as you do. You think "if it were that simple, then my doctor would know..." and the like. But the principle of action is not only simple, it's logical and that's why it helps 🙂 Doctors often only find out about the Masalo cuff from our customers and then look into it more intensively. Actually, Hohmann / Wilhelm surgery is no longer popular. There are clinics that only perform such procedures at the intensive insistence of patients, but do not recommend it themselves. I am really pleased that you are able to pursue your profession again. Epicondylitis is always terrible, even for employees. Bosses who don't know about the problem might assume that you want to take special leave on sick leave, because you can't see anything and tennis elbow sounds harmless at first. It's fatal for the self-employed - no income without work. I always say "lazy people don't get tennis elbow..." 😉 But you've found a way out. I would just like to point out that it will take time to heal. You should really wear the sleeve consistently for a few weeks, even if it no longer hurts. Tendons are not well supplied with blood and therefore heal very slowly, you have to assume at least 6-8 weeks until it has healed, usually it even takes 3 months or longer. Do yourself a favor and cure it completely, otherwise it will take longer, come and go. We wish you a speedy recovery. Kind regards Harry Röder


March 14, 2021

I had really bad pain for 4 - 5 months because of tennis elbow. I couldn't lift a cup, undo my belt or tighten my seatbelt in the car. I basically do sport almost every day and had to stop doing sport almost completely. I was also on sick leave for the entire time.

Initially, Itried several anti-inflammatorypainkillers. I also went to the physio regularly and did daily stretching exercises. My doctor prescribed an ordinary bandage. Unfortunately, absolutely nothing helped me. I was really desperate. At times I wanted to tear my arm off. I had already considered having an operation on my arm.

As a last resort, I tried the Masalo cuff. I ordered it myself on the Internet without consulting my doctor. (I didn't care about the cost at the time because of my pain).

After just 2 weeks, the stabbing pain in my elbow joint was completely gone!!!! I was thrilled. It was a real miracle for me. Now I only noticed problems in the muscle. After 1 month the muscle problems were also gone. I am now slowly training again with weights and completely without a support.

Thank you very much for developing this support. I really believe that recovery would not have been possible without the support. I can only recommend it to everyone!!!


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