
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

Simply unbeatable

July 7, 2021

I had the problem of tennis elbow a good two years ago. Back then it was on my right arm, but today it's back, only on my left. From my experience of wearing the cuff on my right arm, I have now bought one for my left arm as well.

Well, I could have gone into the discussion with my family doctor. However,the outcome would not have been promising. I simply saved myself this detour and just bought the part.

I've been wearing it for a good week now and I can only say it's fantastic.

I can work, put weight on my arm as usual and can do without the chemical club. Thank you Masalo. But I do have one comment. Can't you invent something as ingenious as this for the knee?

Susann Wallrodt

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Ms. Wallrodt, thank you very much for your feedback. We are pleased that the Masalo MED cuff is also helping you as it should 🙂 Regarding your question as to whether something similar can be invented for the knee. Yes, you can, but inventing it is not enough. A medical device has to be developed and tested, and that really takes a long time. We are currently concentrating on epicondylitis and will certainly have news there soon, in the next few months 🙂 We wish you a speedy recovery and all the best. Best regards Harry Röder

Simply great, but only after the correct fit has been ensured

July 6, 2021

Hello Mr. Siebert,

Do you remember me? I bought your cuff in March of this year and we discussed the correct fit several times and exchanged photos. It was actually because I had worn it incorrectly - I hadn't seen the little black dot.

Your tip about wearing it overnight was also worth its weight in gold and was probably the key to success in the end. - Get well overnight 😉

Now I am finally pain-free, even with heavy weights or at the PC. I'm always afraid that the pain will come back, but now I have your solution.

PS. I can only recommend everyone to own this cuff and to do stretching exercises in between. I had great doubts at first, especially as the cuff kept slipping off my arm. But that was because I was wearing it incorrectly.

Dear Mr. Siebert - you have really developed something great with your invention. I would be happy to serve as a reference if you need my help.

Greetings from Bremerhaven

Jamal Iqbal

Jamal Iqbal

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Iqbal, thank you very much for your report and I hope that many people will read it 🙂 I'm replying on behalf of my colleague Eric Siebert. When someone contacts us, we almost always manage to get the cuff on their arm effectively. Unfortunately, some customers don't do this until far too late and therefore suffer for a few weeks longer than necessary. Our aim is always to defeat epicondylitis and we do everything we can to achieve this. Please never put the sleeve out of reach because if it comes back and you put the bandage back on straight away, it won't take as long to heal. I also recommend that you wear the support prophylactically before heavy exertion such as physical work and sport, then it won't come back at all 🙂 A few words on the subject of stretching exercises. We can't really recommend them, as many customers stretch despite the pain and often make the problem significantly worse. Unfortunately, it also often happens that you stretch with tennis elbow, for example, and then get golfer's elbow. You need to know that stretching and flexing the wrist exerts maximum force on the injured tendon insertions. I always compare it to a torn rubber band, where you don't pull on it with all your strength to repair it. When stretching the wrist (hand towards the top of the hand), you put maximum strain on the tendon where the tennis elbow is located and when flexing (towards the palm of the hand) on the tendon of the golfer's elbow. So, if you absolutely want to stretch, then please don't stretch against the pain. As soon as something hurts, it is bad for the tendon. Please be very careful with it. We wish you all the best and thank you again for your feedback. Kind regards Harry Röder

Masalo cuff

July 5, 2021

I've been wearing the cuff day and night for 3 weeks now and I can feel an improvement, but I'm not really pain-free yet!!!! I work as a plasterer and it doesn't bother me at all when I wear it. Top cuff !!!! Let's see when I'm completely pain-free again!

Seidl Jürgen

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Seidl, thank you very much for your review. This is a very good first step and we were able to optimize the application a little more together by email, so I am confident that the cuff will be even more effective for you in the future and that you will be able to get rid of your injury quickly. I wish you a speedy recovery!

And it works after all 🙂

June 29, 2021

I had initially given a 4-star rating in May:

"Last year I suffered a tennis elbow while working out. After 9 months I discovered the Masalo support. I wore it day and night for 2 months and the pain was gone. I was thrilled!

I have now suffered a golfer's elbow. I' ve been wearing the support for a week now. While I experienced immediate relief from tennis elbow with the support, I haven't noticed any relief from golfer's elbow yet. Can I still hope?"

However, a few weeks have now passed and Mr. Siebert from the Masalo team gave me some valuable tips the very next day after my feedback, which I implemented immediately.

The most important thing was that I tightened the upper arm strap. I immediately felt relief. The pain is not completely gone now, but it is much better, so I can play tennis and do fitness without pain.

I am happy. Now there are full 5 stars 🙂

Many thanks to the Masalo team!


Martin Nottelmann

Martin Nottelmann

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Mr. Nottelmann, good things take time, they say 🙂 We are really pleased that you got in touch and have the problem under control now. You can now manage the small part of the rest of the way. All the best for you and best wishes Harry Röder

Relief within 2 weeks

May 19, 2021

I have been doing heavy strength training (powerlifting) for 21 years now (I am 41 years old). I also do a lot of gardening and work at my desk.

About 4 months ago, my elbow and lower arm muscles (right arm) became noticeable when I was gardening (I had to clear part of the lawn). My grip strength also decreased during trainingand some movements (especially where grip strength and forearm muscles have to work together... e.g. side raises) were no longer possible or only possible to a limited extent.

First I treated the pain with ointments. Then I got myself an elbow brace. However, these things did not bring the desired success, on the contrary, it got worse over time. I have to say that I didn't stop training at any time (I should briefly explain that I have a small home gym and can continue to train during the lockdown).

After Easter, however, the situation worsened so much that I could hardly take a bottle of water from the cupboard or go about my work on the PC for 5 minutes at a time. Anything that irritated the forearm muscles (and the associated tendons) caused pain.

As I was still hoping to get by without a doctor, I did some more research and discovered the reports on the Masalo cuff. I was very skeptical, if only because my elbow brace hadn't helped at all.

The statements in the reports such as "noticeable improvement within a very short time" or "I then went home and built a prototype in 3 months for which I was praised by my surgeons" also made me think more than they convinced me.

Nevertheless, I decided to order a cuff on April 19, 2021 (the shock wave therapy at the doctor's with 5 sessions would have cost me 150€... so I gave the cuff priority).

The cuff arrived within 36 hours of ordering. The enclosed booklet contains first-class descriptions of everything from putting on the cuff to cleaning. If the descriptions are not enough, you can always refer to the videos in the public media.

Let's move on to putting on the cuff: As I said at the beginning, I have been training hard for over 21 years. With a forearm circumference of just under 37 cm and an upper arm circumference of 56 cm, it was not easy to find the right position at the beginning. With a little practice, however, you get into a routine. After a week it was no longer a problem.

However, as the cuff is also advertised specifically for strength athletes, the straps (in "size 2") should be extended by 3 - 5 cm for tightening. This would make positioning more comfortable for people with a larger arm circumference. However, this is also the only point that I would consider critical. Otherwise, the workmanship is great and once you have found the right position, wearing the cuff is very comfortable.

Even when training, in the garden or at work, the cuff is no longer noticeable after a while. And if the cuff should slip a little due to a lot of movement, it is very easy to adjust again.

After wearing the cuff continuously for 2 weeks, I quickly realized that I could perform certain movements and activities again almost pain-free (probably with the support of the cuff). I then became more courageous and took the cuff off from time to time.

After 4 weeks I am almost pain-free. Weight-bearing with an outstretched arm with grip strength is possible again without any problems. Even working on the PC no longer causes any problems. Depending on the degree of strain, there is still a slight pulling sensation, but this is no longer comparable with the symptoms I had over 4 weeks ago.

The cuff is then also put back on. I am 100% convinced by this product. You shouldn't expect any immediate miracles, depending on the severity of the injury, it may need to be worn consistently (in my case it took about 4 weeks). But the result is first class!

Ingo Heisters

Ingo Heisters

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Heisters, thank you very much for the really great report and your suggestions. We are indeed in the process of developing another size, as we have quite a few strength athletes with quite powerful arms among our customers. But that will also take time. In medicine, such optimizations are not implemented quickly. It is precisely through customer feedback such as your report that we can constantly improve ourselves and our product, which is not the only reason why we attach great importance to contact with users. Like almost all athletes, you have done everything exactly right  However, I would recommend that you use the cuff prophylactically if you are going to be really hard at sports or in the garden. If you've had epicondylitis once, you simply tend to get it again and you really don't need to go through that pain again. In any case, I wish you all the best, maximum sporting success and lots of fun in the garden. If anything should happen, we are always here for you  Best regards Harry Röder

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