
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

Thanks for the great invention

August 12, 2021

Ladies and Gentlemen ,

I am a master painter by profession and have had tennis elbow for 4 years. All the attempts I have made (massage, shock wave therapy, acupuncture etc.) have not helped in the long term.

Since I have been wearing the Masalo support (2 years) I have been able to carry out my job normally again without any restrictions.

I can only say thank you, thank you.

Jürgen Sudeck

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Sudeck, thank you very much for your feedback. We know this situation really well from our own experience and are delighted that you are able to return to your job without pain and enjoy life again. All the best for the future and stay healthy 🙂 Best wishes Harry Röder

I promised myself more!

August 12, 2021

I am more than disappointed. I have been using the cuff for a few weeks now. I bought it because I was convinced by the principle and the well-written advertising.

I'm at a point with my golfer's elbow where I'm trying everything to get rid of it. Unfortunately, the rather uncomfortable feeling I get from wearing it means that I tend to adopt a more relaxed posture,so that I now also have shoulder problems.

Can't really recommend it! Would like to return it if possible.

Andreas Höck

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Höck, thank you very much for your feedback. As I have already written, what you are writing is absolutely extraordinary and has never happened before, so I would recommend that you have yourself examined again, simply to rule out the possibility that there is another indication, but that is of course entirely up to you. Unfortunately, golfer's elbow in particular often causes massive additional inflammation and the healing of golfer's elbow sometimes really requires a lot of patience, of course consistent support and absolute avoidance of stretching exercises etc. However, you should still be able to heal quickly. However, you should soon be able to carry out most activities that were previously not possible or only with severe pain with the cuff in place without pain, or at least with significantly less pain. If there is no improvement at all, something is wrong. What is not at all typical is that you feel pain from the upper arm strap at the back of the upper arm. The injury is not located there and the strain caused by this strap is minimal and only occurs for a short time. Therefore, and if you really don't feel any relief at all, I strongly recommend further diagnostics. However, we are in the medical field here and of course it can happen that our Masalo Cuff MED does not help. As I said, however, this is very unusual unless there are additional indications. In any case, we wish you a speedy recovery. Best regards Eric Siebert


July 30, 2021

A great help against the pain.

After being diagnosed with tennis elbow, the Masalo cuff was recommended to me by my doctor. At first I was skeptical that a cuff could relieve the pain within a maximum of 30 minutes.

After creating the system, I wrote to Super Support because I was unsure. You get immediate feedback and help with any questions. Totally thrilled.

After 2 days of wearing the cuff, I can report that it really is a great help! I can carry bottles again, open them and generally do almost everything with the affected arm.

Super good relief for any tennis elbow or golf elbow.

Luise from Ass

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Ms. von Ass, thank you very much for your feedback. We are always happy to help our customers and can almost always help 🙂 You are still at the very beginning, but as you describe it, you are on the right track. Please keep trying out the settings to see what works best for you. Just always make sure that the forearm cuff is far enough away from the elbow, then it should go steadily uphill and get a little better every day. However, you still need patience, epicondylitis takes time. Please don't do too much straight away when you notice that you are pain-free with the cuff. I also recommend our "Tips for dealing with epicondylitis", which you can find under the menu item "Info & interesting facts" on our website. We sincerely wish you a speedy recovery 🙂 Best wishes Harry Röder

Strain relief the elegant way

July 24, 2021

I have had tennis elbow on the left for four weeks with increasing pain, most recently when picking up a pen (not caused by playing tennis, by the way, but by playing golf; apparently my swing is similar to a left-handed backhand). After a short search on the Internet, I found the ingenious Masalo cuff and decided to forego other, apparently less promising treatment attempts from the outset.

I put the cuff on in the car outside the medical supply store and was instantly symptom-free. I think that if strain relief is required, a technician (engineer, craftsman...) is more likely to know what to do than a doctor.

Of course, as Confucius said, if you only have a hammer, every problem looks like a nail to you. For a surgeon, strain relief means "cut off the tendon and place it further distally". Fortunately, there is a more elegant way.

I have been wearing the Masalo cuff for three days now, even at night, and since then I have been able to move completely unhindered, it is simply wonderful.

Dr. med. Robin Schürmann

Dr. med. Robin Schürmann

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Dr. Schürmann, thank you very much for your testimonial. Unfortunately, feedback from doctors is quite rare, although many of our users are enthusiastic 🙂 We are therefore all the more pleased about your feedback. As a doctor, you have to treat many different medical problems and obtain information from the relevant trustworthy sources. I therefore believe that there has been nothing new on epicondylitis for a long time simply because no one has really looked into it in the sense of "there must be a possibility...". The state of science has not really developed for a long time and we hope to be able to change something here with appropriate scientific evidence. If you are not burdened by this specialist information, you can think freely and the conclusion to use a counter-move is then very obvious 🙂 You are also right, our customers from the areas of crafts and practical work understand the mode of action much faster than many experts. Compression is still predominant in the field of epicondylitis aids, so it is not uncommon for application errors to occur because people try to somehow create compression when applying them. Fortunately, however, there are more and more doctors every day who only rely on our active principle - simply because it helps. The results you describe are optimal, but you still need a lot of patience. As you know, the healing of tendons and similar tissue takes time. Nevertheless, in the meantime you should be able to do everything again without pain or at least without major pain with the brace on. Golf should also work (it takes a bit of getting used to with the support on, but you soon forget that after the 2nd or 3rd tee shot ;-). For sports and high-impact activities, adjust the brace a little tighter for maximum tendon protection. Please always adjust the upper arm strap and place the forearm cuff well away from the elbow (ideally around the middle of the forearm) so that there is enough distance to create sufficient counter-tension. Moving the arm is also important and advisable; immobilization is not ideal. You should make rapid progress and after 8-12 weeks you should be able to do everything with and without a cuff without pain. Nevertheless, I recommend that you wear the support prophylactically during heavy exertion (anyone who has had epicondylitis often tends to get it back if things go badly). If you forget the sleeve and feel it coming back, simply put it on again straight away and it will normally go away within 1-3 days. If you have any questions or if something is wrong, please contact us straight away, we are always happy to help our customers 🙂 I sincerely wish you a good recovery and, if possible, a positive development of your handicap 🙂 (the cuff can actually help with this ;-)) Kind regards Harry Röder

Great, immediate pain relief

July 24, 2021

From January this year, my pain (tennis and golfer's elbow) was so bad that I could no longer lift a cup without pain. I came across the Masalo Manchette on the Internet and was very impressed by the reviews and videos.

The high price put me off at first but the pain won out and Iordered the cuff.Two days later it arrived and I immediately watched the video on how to put the cuff on correctly. As soon as I put it on, I was able to lift my coffee cup or pull up the blinds on my windows without any pain. It was such a liberating feeling to finally be able to go about my day largely pain-free again, so a huge thank you to MASALO.

I wore the cuff 24 hours a day, except when showering. Now, after 6 months, I'm only wearing it when I'm doing strenuous work, but only out of fear that the pain might come back.

I am completely pain-free and that without visiting a doctor or injections. For me the Masalo cuff is a 5 star plus product which I can strongly recommend to anyone with this problem. The only important thing is that the cuff has to fit correctly to help properly.

Greetings Michael


Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Michael, thank you very much for your report and for not forgetting us 🙂 You have done everything right and it is also very wise to wear the cuff prophylactically now in case of heavy strain. You really don't want to have epicondylitis again. Yes, the Masalo sleeve is not a cheap product, but it does help. If you take a closer look at the support, you'll see how much manual work is involved - 16 sewing steps alone are required and all the tests and approvals also cost a lot of money. We are working on getting the insurance companies to cover the full price, but this requires scientific studies and that also takes a long time. The main thing is that you are healthy again, that is our ultimate goal 🙂 I wish you all the best, stay healthy and enjoy your pain-free life 🙂 Best wishes Harry Röder

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